
Communication Outcomes

Supporting aged care organisations to articulate their vision and direction.

Outcomes Plus offers a comprehensive range of strategic and creative communications solutions to support aged care organisations to clearly articulate their vision and direction.

Development of communications strategies

Outcomes Plus supports aged care organisations to identify stakeholders and to establish the most effective way to communicate with them.
We help aged care providers to craft concise and consistent messages to create successful immediate and long term communication results.

Speech writing and press releases

If you “have a dream”, we can put it on paper.
Our team is experienced in the preparation of speeches, conference papers and press releases that engage, inform and motivate.

Liaison with government and agencies

Outcomes Plus is experienced at working with all levels of government: Federal, State and Local.
We help aged care providers work effectively with politicians and bureaucrats on a range of matters including planning applications, funding applications, relationship building and regulatory issues.

Community Consultations

Outcomes Plus supports aged care service providers to effectively engage with community organisations.
Our range of experience includes organising and facilitating public functions, integrating media strategies and organising and facilitating focus groups and targeted consultations.

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