Outcomes Plus is the ideal partner for not-for-profit aged care providers. Our team of experienced consultants offer practical, in-house aged care management experience and highly effective strategic advice to work as trusted partners to not-for-profit aged care organisations.
Australia’s aged care sector is experiencing transformational reform and is becoming more market-driven and highly competitive.
Outcomes Plus works in collaboration with aged care boards and directors, senior executives and care teams to navigate legislative and funding challenges and implement strategies that achieve change to ensure viability and sustainability.
David built a 20-year career in industrial relations and was heavily involved in the development of vocational education and training in the health and community services sectors.
David was a director and executive member of Community Service and Health Training Australia from 1992 to 2002. In this context, David held a leadership role in the development of a number of key industry classifications, including Patient Services Attendants, Personal Care Workers and extended scope of practice for Division 2 nurses.
David established the consulting firm Industry Training and Employment Services (ITES) in 1997, which became Outcomes Plus in 2002.
Since forming Outcomes Plus, David has actively shaped the business as a key Board / Management advisor. He works closely with aged care providers in the development of their business plans, usually for growth or turnaround strategies. This role has given him a keen insight into some of the issues that confront industry operators, particularly new entrants who face a myriad of legislative and funding hurdles.
David loves a difficult problem and has assisted many aged care operators to successfully expand their operations or resolve complex issues. He understands that not-for-profit organisations operate very differently to private operators and he provides them with the tools and the confidence to reach their goals.
Ken is a chartered accountant with more than 20 years’ experience in public practice, principally with the firm Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers).
His major area of specialisation was in the financial services industry, advising on matters relating to amalgamations, valuations, acquisitions and general accounting advice.
In 1996, Ken became the inaugural CEO/CFO of Doutta Galla Aged Services, a medium sized not-for-profit aged care/retirement village group.
Over the seven years of his stewardship, the organisation grew from 31 beds in one facility, to almost 450 places in eight facilities.
During his time at Outcomes Plus, Ken has been instrumental in assisting Boards and Senior Management come to grips with a range of financial issues involving business case development and financial modelling.
Ken understands the key financial drivers of aged care and can assist not-for-profit organisations bring to life their acquisition or expansion plans. He appreciates that aged care is a competitive environment and that providers need to be attuned to industry trends and responsible returns to ensure their long term viability. He can also assist Boards understand their prudential responsibilities and advise on potential governance and other issues where funding from third parties is critical to a project’s success.